Continuing with my perfume bottle scrutiny, here's a few I don't quite get the appeal of.
Ripe Raspberry Candy Apply by DKNY
It's plastic, it's cheap looking, it's tacky, and the little stick is just ridiculous. "Oh a candy apple, how cute," but there's nothing classy, pretty, or sophisticated about it. Pass.
Omnia Amethyste by Bvlgari
I know some people are fan of this bottle but I find it chunky and clunky. I'd rather have a brick on my dresser thankyouvery much.

Missoni Aqua by Missoni
Sometimes asymetry can be artistic and beautiful. Sometimes it's just boring, awkward and lopsided.

Ralph Wild by Ralph Lauren
Sometimes asymetry can be artistic and beautiful. Sometimes it's just boring, awkward and lopsided.
Ralph Wild by Ralph Lauren
Nealry all the Ralph Lauren scents are packaged like this just with different color variations. I think it's squat and booooooooorrrring. Also I find something about the font and most of the color combos to be very middle schoolish and unsophisticated. It just comes across cheap.
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