The other day I did a silver and purple look before going out in the evening and actually I thought it looked pretty good and dramatic, but when I took some pictures for the blog it really fell short. I just haven't quiet got the photography aspect of this down yet and it's frustrating watching my makeup look so boring when it looks pretty decent on my face. The photo wash out the color and seem to emphasize any flaws in blending that you don't even see with the eye in person. In particular my lashes bug me. In person I think they're fine, but the photo they look so stumpy and teeeeeeeeeny tinnnnny. As you see here.

Dark, beautiful, crease contour were did you go too?
So I decided to use a little technology help to show you what it REALLY looked like. Lol (ok, I wish). But honestly, aside from the long photoshoped lashes I think the eye and cheek color here look a lot more true to life. Clearly I need to start working on my lashes though. It makes a big difference!

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